Home / Power Stories / Stomach Cancer Stories / Kristen’s Fight Like a Girl Story (Stomach Cancer)

Kristen’s Fight Like a Girl Story (Stomach Cancer)

Kristen's Story (Stomach Cancer) LRI am 32 years old and had been struggling with GI issues for 2 years. In August of 2011, the symptoms began to progress and become more frequent. On several occasions I was not able to eat or drink and became so dehydrated and weak that I had to go to the Emergency Room. On each occasion numerous tests were performed but no diagnosis could be made.

Finally, in October I was again admitted to the hospital and the decision was made to perform exploratory surgery in order to learn what was causing the symptoms. The surgery revealed a grapefruit sized tumor in the right side of my abdomen. After the tumor was removed, it was determined to be cancer. I now have to undergo 6 months of chemotherapy and will have to have several follow up procedures.

Submitted 12-17-11

The informational content of this article is intended to convey a personal experience and, because every person’s experience is unique, should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional healthcare advice.

This article is intended to convey general educational information and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional healthcare advice.


  1. Betty Massell

    God Bless you Kristen! Stay positive and strong! Fight Like A Girl!!! NEVeR give up faith or hope!

  2. Sheila Griffin

    The best medication you have is YOU! As hard as it’ll get remain positive & FIGHT like you NEVER fought before.. Because you have been doing a great wonderful fight for 2 years without knowing what you were fighting for. I will be praying for you just remember your a lot stronger then this & YOU CAN WIN THIS FIGHT!! Stay strong!!

  3. Dena Leon

    God Bless you! I will Pray for you girl. You have a whole lot of us supporting you. If we can help in any way, shout it out and we will rally behind you. Much love from me & my 6 dogs in San Diego.

  4. robin shaver~labarge

    Kick Cancer’s Ass!
    God Bless you and Yours!

  5. Amy Transki

    I am praying for you! Fight like a girl!!! We are all behind you…all sisters in this fight against cancer!!!!

  6. Hope

    I wish you the best of luck

  7. Nancy

    Stay strong Kristen! Prayers and love to you.

  8. Mary

    Stay strong, stay positive, you can do it!!! You can! God Bless You!

    • Della

      JSpencer I think this dovetails well with what Jazz wrote, about the importance of putting forth some good faith attempt to create a plan, as opposed to doing nothing and only being &#28g0;a8ainstࢭ. I think the republican law-makers are getting paid enough to come up with something more than a non-strategy which only preserves a steadily falling status quo. In my mind it really all comes down to what kind of America we want to live in, one in which we have a shot at being a united, halfway civilized country or one that is doomed to division and inequality of opportunity.

  9. Heather

    Stay strong Kristen…my father in law was recently diagnosed with Stomach Cancer as well. Internal strength is always the best medicine. keep fighting, and never lose hope.

  10. Tina Monk

    May God bless you with a fast healing…keep faith for in faith we find strength…

  11. jessica hanrion

    hello kristen i just got done reading your profile story about your stomache cancer but before i start this conversation i would like to say may god bless you and be with you through this battle and time in your life i will pray for you be strong ok. anyway if you choose not to reply i understand but i have a quiestion to ask you i have had major major stomach issues and huge amounts of pain in my abdomen so i was just wondering if you could please tell me what the symthoms you are having im really scared some mornings i cant even move from side to side in bed cause the pain is horrible to me so what symthoms did u have thank you and i pray u get well and make a fast recovery i am also young like you i am almost 38 and this is just devistating to me as well so hang in there you angel thank you.

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