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Emily’s Story (Cervical Cancer)

emilys story cervical cancer “Don’t blink”
In the blink of an eye your whole life can change. That’s where my story starts. From an ordinary normal day to everything being turned upside down.
One moment, I am just walking into my gynecologist for a check up; blink… the next thing I know, I have cancer. Just like that my world went from following my five year plan to not knowing what tomorrow would bring.

My name is Emily, I am a 31 year old, single mom of 2 amazing kiddoes, who are 9 and 10 years old. Therefore, I am a chef, taxi driver, nurse, referee, and biggest fan. To pay the bills I work nightshift at a local emergency room. One of my biggest accomplishments however is that I am a survivor; I am a warrior; and I beat cancer.

5 chemo treatments (Cyplatin once a week)
30 radiation sessions (Monday – Friday)
5 internal radiation (Ring in Tatum procedure)
3 hospital visits and a COVID-19 diagnosis that delayed everything as well as preventing me from getting a PICC line.

6 weeks of hell to get where I am today, 6 months of no signs of the disease. It was a short journey that felt like an eternity, and it wasn’t an easy journey by all means. I got sick everyday and then just when I’d start to feel better, it was time for treatment again. I tried every kind of nausea medicine and nothing helped. Everything tasted terrible! Even Starbucks. I couldn’t work or clean. Everything was different and nothing would ever be the same.

The worst part of it all was telling my kids. They were so young and so scared. They both handled it differently and went through stages of hurt and anger to sadness and grief, but they were so brave. My daughter held my hair while I threw up, and cried with me when I cried. My son drew me pictures and kept telling me everything was gong to be okay. Even at such young ages, they knew I needed them to get through my battle. My children and the rest of my support system pushed me through the darkest of places I fell to.

My parents and best friends rotated watching the kiddoes and taking me to appointments so that I never had to go alone. My work family made me food so I didn’t have to cook. Complete strangers at a local church got us groceries and even raised money for me. I will forever be go grateful for their support and honestly I could not have done it without all of their support.

The fight continues from check up to check up, praying it doesn’t come back. I know my journey isn’t over, but I am so proud to be where I am today. My cancer never defined me and it never will because I fought like a girl, and I won like a woman. 🙂

Submitted 04/28/2022

This story is intended to convey a personal experience and, because every person’s experience is unique, should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional healthcare advice.

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