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Sarah’s Story (Gastroparesis)

Sarah's Story (Gastroparesis)Hello, my name is Sarah. Four years ago when I was 17 I shared a story about being diagnosed with fibromyalgia and discoid lupus. Four years later, I am now sharing my story about being diagnosed with gastroparesis.

It all started November of 2012 when I started having really bad stomach pains. I saw my GI and had a endoscopy done as well as some other tests. Nothing really showed up in those test.

I then started to get worst. I started vomiting sometimes after I ate, loosing 40 lbs from all the vomiting. Eventually NOTHING I ate would stay down. I had to go on non-paid medical leave at work because I kept getting sick during my shift. I had to withdraw from college because I fell so far behind. I would go to the ER vomiting blood and they would just send me home!

I went to about six different doctors. One doctor basically told me it was in my head. It was really hard to be so sick and have no idea what in the world was making me sick. Finally, I found the right doctor who could help me! I went to Temple University and they were able to diagnose me with gastroparesis. That means my stomach doesn’t empty properly which is why I have all the vomiting, along with nausea, and stomach pain. I had to stop eating a lot of food that slows down digestion and I will be on medication forever to help with digestion. But I will stay strong and keep fighting.

Submitted 12/11/2013

The informational content of this article is intended to convey a personal experience and, because every person’s experience is unique, should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional healthcare advice.

This story is intended to convey a personal experience and, because every person’s experience is unique, should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional healthcare advice.

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