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Dawn’s Story (Metastatic Breast and Bone Cancer)

dawns power story metastatic breast and bone cancerI was diagnosed in July 2018 with stage 4 metastatic breast and bone cancer. The cancer was found in the spine (L2). For treatment, I had radiation and chemo. The chemo sessions were very strong.

I lived in an apartment for 10 years and during treatment, my landlord sold the building. The town pitched in, everybody came to my rescue and I was moved into a new apartment. The story was actually featured in suburban papers.

After about a year and a half of remission, the cancer came back in the spine (T12). I had some radiation and was clear for about another year; and then, it came back in the hip. They used radiation once again, and just recently, I was diagnosed with three spots. One on the rib and one on each hip bone.

Now, I’m in treatment. My cancer is not curable, but it’s treatable and I’m living with it everyday. I am thankful for friends and family who are still in my corner. I’m working part-time and remotely when I can. Thankfully, work keeps my mind off things. Life with cancer has become the new normal and it’s always a struggle with good days and bad days. I thank God everyday, and the good doctors that help me survive the struggle.

Submitted 09/30/2023

This story is intended to convey a personal experience and, because every person’s experience is unique, should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional healthcare advice.

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